In Vivo magazine, whose graphic design and editorial content are developed by Large Network, covers life science news with investigations, profiles and infographics. In Vivo addresses the stakes in health policy and the ethical considerations of modern medicine. Co-published with the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), the magazine comes with an infographic supplement called In Extenso.
In Vivo
/autres projets
The online magazine of the famous watch retailer Les Ambassadeurs, ‘The leading house of the leading names’.
The European science magazine.
Dedicated to a fashion design workshop, this publication involving six Central European countries was produced for the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD).
An infographic document and fluorescent communication strategy for a bank fund. An animated digital version was also created as part of the launch.
Precise financial reports, illustrated with photos and infographics, distributed to the associations in three languages.
The Swiss multinational has chosen Large Network for the production of its annual report, distributed in digital and printed form.
The health magazine, produced with the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).
The magazine distributed in five languages to the 4,000 workers of the Bobst group.
A large-format periodical devoted to photography.
Articles and infographics for the largest daily in Geneva.