Graphic, technical and editorial excellence
Dedicated to a fashion design workshop, this publication involving six Central European countries was produced for the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD).
Articles for the french online version of the Swiss journal Blick.
The Swiss multinational has chosen Large Network for the production of its annual report, distributed in digital and printed form.
An infographic document and fluorescent communication strategy for a bank fund. An animated digital version was also created as part of the launch.
A quadrilingual online platform for the federal State Secretariat for Economic Affairs.
Articles and infographics for the largest daily in Geneva.
A large online platform and dozens of thematic brochures.
Every month, the economic magazine of French-speaking Switzerland publishes investigations, interviews, profiles and features.
The visual identity and digital presence of a specialized broker.
Infographics and brochures for one of the largest agencies of the United Nations.